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Online banking for South America

UX design & Product Management 
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The project

Conexos was a project started as a way to promote digital banking for South America back in 2015.


Until 2016, less than half of the population in the region had access to a bank account or a credit card. The idea was to promote financial inclusion and education through easy and user friendly tools. 


Conexos worked with local banks to obtain all the necessary information. The tools were placed in the main online newspapers and blogs and reached over 10,000 interactions. 

How I contributed 
  • Contributed to the product strategy and product design.

  • Created the entire user experience of the tools that ensured easy flows for non tech-savvy people. 

  • Helped lead cross-functional teams from engineers, UI designers and main stakeholders. 

  • Ran customer interviews and applied key information to achieve great product results

  • 10,000+ clicks 

  • Effectively partnered with 3 main local banks 

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